Ladies and Gentelmen, here is the legendary C-Box post!
By: Jace, Mike, Myself, Dreamer and a cameo by Shane.
L2P: Erm, there's none..
Why: I'm being forced to. Haha, no because we all want to remember the lovely post.
Quote:Mellash: Woohoo, I feel like an alien, I have tin foil all over my head. Haha
Shane: Um... any reason why?
Jace: ....Mels...?
Jace: Hahahaha. I want to get you people on TV!
Dreamer: ...i'm not even going to ask that
Jace: I'd have the funniest sitcom in America!
Mike: Oh see around Mike's age )Mike is 19(
Shane: I know, right?
Mike: OH like signs!
Shane: Ooh! Jace! I have something really funny to tell you!
Mellash: I'm getting my hair highlighted that's why
Mike: But see..... aliens don't wear tin foul
Jace: Tell me!
Mike: The people trying to keep the alines from reading their mind do
Mellash: Bwahaha, we would be a good sitcom.
Shane: Signs?
Mike: *gets on one knee* Jace.... uh middle name, last name. Would you marry me?
Mellash: She's been living with them for the past 2 years.
Mellash: 0_0
Jace: Sure!
Mike: Okay Do they get along?
Mike: YAY! Where shall we be married?
Mellash: Yeah, I mean they have sibling squabbles but they get along.
Mike: Okay
Mellash: Her and Morris don't get along as well as her and Oscar.
Mike: I'm going to incorporate Morris in my post and you can do the same
Jace: The moon.
Mellash: Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today to join Jace Something and Mike D.Greaser (Although the jury's still out on the D.) in holy matrimony
Mellash: Mkay
Mike: Yay!!!
Jace: (Oh my gosh you have no idea you guys I'm in hysterics right now).
Mellash: Which one's the bride?
Mellash: (Me too..)
Mike: Wait, how are we breathing?
Mike: If we are on the moon.
Mellash: We have suits on dummy.
Jace: I call the bride!
Mike: uh.... we are undecided
Mike: NO!
Mike: We are undecided....
Jace: Yeah, we have suits. And there's a lovely gazebo floating around.
Dreamer: i'm breathing just fine. i'm not sure about my mentality level though
Mike: Oh, suits, got it.
Jace: Fine.
Mike: Dreamer can be our flower girl!
Mellash: Yep, and a cow just jumped over the moon telling us to drink diet coke..
Mellash: 0_0
Jace: Awesome! And Mels can be the preacher/maid of honor/best man.
Mike: Moo with me.... MOOOO!!
Mellash: Whoot!
Mellash: Moo.
Mike: What about the ring bearer?
Mike: Dreamer?
Jace: Moo!
Mellash: She said only thing to do is jump over the moon!
Mike: Cause she is so talented like that.
Mike: Leap of faith leap of faith
Jace: I'll say...
Jace: Now are we getting married or not>
Jace: ?
Mellash: Right...okay
Mike: Oh right, continue Mels
Dreamer: great! someone go get me a champagne bottle and a bunch of wine glasses. its gonna be a long wedding
Mellash: Jace, do you take Mike to be your lawfully wedded undecided?
Mike: Haha!
Jace: Sure!
Mike: I am laughing so hard...
Mike: Yay!
Mellash: And Mike, do you take Jace to be your lawfully wedded undecided?
Mellash: Me too!
Jace: (This whole thing is definetly CBox history right here...)
Mellash: Seriously!
Mike: Oh dangit... I think I woke up Venice, whoops.
Mellash: (Forget favorite posts!)
Mike: Oh for sure!
Jace: Get to the moon and marry me, darnit!
Mike: Speaking of undecided.... Your my babies.... uh undecided?
Mellash: Mike, the pastor is becoming unpatient.
Mellash: MIKE, the pastor has to leave in 8 minutes.
Mellash: (Highlight rinsing time, woo!)
Mike: Oh yeah, I will take Jace
Jace: Sure! And I'm glad you picked me.
Mellash: Okay, cutting this short. You may now kiss the erm undecided?
Mike: *blows kiss* Thats all your getting...
Jace: I didn't expect anything more. After all, i'ts lvoe.
Dreamer: now by the powers vested in me by the New york world i now allow myself to gag. i may also now kick the bride and the groom in the butt
Mellash: Woohoo! Break out the booze!
Dreamer: just cause i can
Dreamer: i got dips on first drink
Jace: Ouch.
Mellash: Its undecided love.
Jace: No! It's lvoe.
Mellash: I wanna make a toast! To the happy newlyweds, may they live a long time delivering us long posts and amazing charries. Have a nice life!
Mellash: Oh its lvoe.
Mike: PARTY!
Jace: As in the song. "Lvoey-Dvoey Bbay"
Jace: Woo!
Mike: *slings arm around Jace's shoulder* So, where shall we go
for our wedding?
Mike: I mean honer moon
Mike: &honey
Mike: *honey.... grr
Jace: Um...Narnia.
Mike: It would have made sense to go to the moon for our honey moon, but noooooo someone had to be married on the moon.
Mike: NO WAY! I've always wanted to go there.... dude I would have stayed in Narnia with Caspian...
Mellash: Can I have Caspian?
Mellash: Please!! Mels wants to marry Caspian
Dreamer: someone be reasonable here and post. Jace? Mike? Prince Caspian? I don't care. this is getting sick to mystomach
Dreamer: if you guys go to Forks Washington, tell Edward Cullens Dreamer says she loves him.
Mike: Fine... beside I'm not Mormon so only one... uh... undecided for me
Mellash: I be posting...but we don't have a thread together
Jace: I wanted to get married on the moon!
Mellash: I'm so going to get married on the moon when I do.
Jace: And we're going to Narnia.
Mellash: My fiancé will be like, "o_0
Jace: Only if I get to be the preacher when you marry Caspian, Mels.
Mike: Okay! Fine JAce! We will have our honey moon in narnia.
Mels, you can come and meet Caspian
Mellash: Okay!
Mike: I get to be everyone else! WOOT!
Jace: (Please tell me someone is saving this whole thing somewhere...)
Mellash: Mike, you'll walk me down the aisle.
Mellash: (I so will!)
Jace: And I'll take pictures!
Jace: (Yeah this made my life...)
Mike: I'm like your... *sniffles* Father
Mike: *tears* I'm so proud of you, darling
Dreamer: wait a minute! Mike, what about Mormons?
Jace: I'll use Denton's obnoxious camera!
Jace: Then I'm your mother, Mels!
Mike: What is funny about this is that the bad guy and the good guy are getting married
Jace: *sniff* He's not good enough for her...
Mellash: Haha!
Mike: No he isn't
Jace: I know. Will the world implode now or something?
Mike: Wait... I'm not your father and he isn't your mother. WE are your undecided
Mellash: Well I have to go for a little bit, I'll be on later, and I saved our C-box convo including the sitcoms/reality/soap opera show discussion
Jace: Because it's the good guy and the bad guy married?
Mike: Haha we should put it on memorable quptes.
Mike: Just put the whole thing
Mike: Uh... maybe haha
Jace: Fine. Then we'll both have to walk her down the aisle and we both have to cry in the background.
Jace: Definetly. This whole thing is amazing.
Mike: Aw! I love Sam... He is so cute. Yes, I'm still watching Holes.
Jace: Or will it implode and explode simultaneously?
Mike: Oh okay, Mels has tw arms, so that shouldn't be a problem
Jace: None of that, Mike! I'm your undecided, remember?
Mike: *two
Mike: Oh right... sorry!
Dreamer: you guys still on?
Mike: Sam is not cute... not in the least
Jace: Thanks.
Jace: Now are we going to Narnia or not?
Mike: Yes! Right now
Mike: *offers arm* To Narnia?
Jace: To Narnia!
Jace: Weeeeeee'rrreee....
Mike: *sniff* Sam died.... *Hits Jace* Don't you ever leave me! You hear?
Jace: Ow! Okay, okay...jeez...
Dreamer: geez, abusive much Mike?
Mike: That's right
Mike: I'm just proving my point
Dreamer: you tried at harlem, doesn't work on Dreamer, now does it?
Jace: Keep your nose out of my married life, Dreamer!
Mellash: I back!
Mike: Haha, we have conselour's for that crap!
Jace: Yay Mels!
Mellash: What'd I miss?
Mike: um... I hit Jace for the first time...
Mellash: ABUSIVE!
Mellash: *coughs* Edward
Jace: Our first slap... *sigh* good memories.
Mike: I'll be your Bella, if you'll be my Edward.
Mike: Oh course. Just like our first kiss.... which wasn't really a kiss
Mellash: No I'm Bella, you're Edward.
Jace: Yeah. It was purely aeriel...
Mellash: Remember?! You said you were Edward
Mike: Right! Sorry.... shh... don't tell Jace
Mellash: Haha I won't.